Please peruse our in-depth FAQ for the answers to our most commonly received questions. Click the questions below to jump to the answer.

General Questions


Read details about our excellent guarantee here for more information.


Yes, we have written care sheets and articles for a variety of reptiles and amphibians. Currently, we have the following available:

Iguanas Care
Geckos Care
Bearded Dragon Care
Kinosternon scorpioides Care
Wood Turtles
Leopard Tortoise Care Sheet
Red-Footed Tortoise Care Sheet
Sulcata Tortoise


While we are licensed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife to import and export internationally, we primarily ship to the US only, but we can ship very large orders internationally if you have the proper CITES licensing and permits. This is most easily done with non-CITES animals.


Yes, we offer wholesale reptiles for sale to pet stores, universities, colleges, zoos, and research facilities.


Our inventory of available animals always changes weekly. The best way to stay abreast of new arrivals and updates is to sign up for our e-mail newsletter (below).


Yes, if the weather is expected to be a bit on the warm or cold side, we absolutely use these packs to help protect the animal(s) at no additional charge.


We accept international direct tranferes to El Salvador. Please contact us for further details in that regard at [email protected]