Guarante ak tèm

Viv rive garanti

This are the details regarding our live arrival guarantee for all reptile orders. Please know that DOA (Dead on Arrival) animals are extraordinarily rare, even during the extreme temperature swings of summer and winter. Our animals arrive DOA less than 1.4% of the time which is an incredible statistic and attributable not only to the health and strength of our animals, but also to our exceptional box packing abilities.

Nou pran gwo lògèy nan ak garanti rive viv pou chak ak chak rete reptile bay lòd nou bato. Anba nou a pwal revize garanti viv rive nou an detay, ki enkli annulation faktè.

DOA animals are extremely rare (less than 1.4% of our animals arrive DOA), but if it does occur you need to be familiar with our policy. If you do receive a DOA reptile you must take one picture for each animal and for all the animals in group and E-mail us the pictures at within a maximum of 24 hours after arrival.

Ou gen kèk chwa sou apwouve reklamasyon ou lan,:

Yon premye opsyon pou ta gen yon nou bato ou yon ranplasan zannimo, ak lòd sa kap vini a Malgre ke anbakman pwi yo pral rèsponsablite kliyan a, ni nou p\'ap remboursement ou vann acha (à pwi transpò) via seri kredi ak lòd sa kap vini a oubyen yon ranbousman imedya en sou ou Abramo nbsp, metòd peye. Nou menm mache tèt nou, se poutèt sa, nou pwal travay avè ou. Tout sitiyasyon diferan.

Nou tout fè yon gwo nap reptile kliyan ki pou vann konpayi an, nou pwofondman vo satisfaksyon nou. Nou kliyan sèvis repons fwa senpleman vwayaj nan endistri reptile.